Wednesday, February 17, 2010


As I gaze out the window, the fat, juicy snowflakes continue to fall but more in earnest at the moment. Already, the van's windows are getting coated once again.
It is a very white world at present, far from the grungy, gritty, slushy, blackened snow that lined the streets just a week ago.
Yet, perhaps, it speaks of being made new, freshly clean. In the forgiveness of our sin and sins, in touching upon our mortality on this day, we are promised a new life, we are being made a new creation in Christ Jesus. On this solemn and somber day, there is a promise, a hint of something more, something new, something beyond what we now know.
I am also reminded of the traction needed to get around these snowclad roads. Not just salt but grit, ash, cinder. I need Lent to give me traction as I navigate through this dark night, enter the Lenten season and prepare for Easter. It grounds me, keeps me on track, stays me from slipping and sliding all over the place. It is a dirty, messy thing this grit, cinder and ash. But it was a dirty, messy suffering and death that Jesus underwent to save us dirty, messy folk and world stained with sin.
And so there is the grace of this fluffy, freshly falling snow even on this ashen gray and gritty Ash Wednesday. It is the grace of promise of something new, something more, something better that is buried deeply in the seed of these Lenten Days.
How is Ash Wednesday speaking to you this year?

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