Tuesday, November 04, 2008


Got to our polling place this morning about 8:25 am and the line for our precinct was moderate. I was hoping it wouldn't take more than 45 minutes. I took my place in line, behind a Methodist minister serving a UCC church in town who lives in our subdivision. Since I keep such a low profile, he doesn't know who I am. Since he had a sign on his front lawn proclaiming the candidate of his choice I knew which candidate he was voting for. I voted the other. I think it will be this way all day.
We had two issues on the ballot that hadn't really been in the papers much and caught me a bit by surprise.
The three really big issues: Curtailing interest rates on payday lending, opening up casino gambling, and combining school, rec center, and library levy guaranteed to raise our property tax $120.00 per month or $1200.00 per year. I voted yes, no, no.
Normally, I support our school levies which we did just two years ago that added a sales tax in our county for schools. Every year there seems to be yet another school levy. The burden is beginning grow heavy from all these levi's. They were asking much too much this time.
I was out within a half hour!!!!!!
Hope you are out voting!

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