Friday, September 27, 2013


Sometimes as pastors, chaplains, professors or caregivers, our lives are so very full and our hearts ache with worries for others (or, if we are honest for ourselves!) So for this week’s Friday Five, let’s list things that are on your happy list! (We’ll assume that your family and friends and pets are included, so branch out a little, if you can!)

What are your joys? Places? Food? Activities? Books? Season? Hobbies? Smells? Colors? To inspire you, Mindy came up with THIRTEEN things that bring her joy or make her happy. So go for it!

Thinking of a few of my favorite things, here they are:
1: My greys, Jazz and Renoir. They are warm, fuzzy, a comfort and just make me feel good. They are always happy to greet me
when I return home and are content with a hugs and rubs and a few tasty treats. Knowing they have a comfortable, loving home
with a second chance at life is a wonderful thing.

2. LH and his sense of humor! He makes me feel good, too! He's my best friend, comfort and support.

3. My sister, who is also my best friend, comfort and support. A shame we don't see each other more than once a year although
we talk on the phone every week.

4. Swiss chocolate - simply melts in your mouth. It's the best stuff on earth!

5. The color sage green. Just my favorite.

6. The smell of turkey roasting in the oven. Just about 8 weeks away. It's a warm, wonderful smell.

7. Fresh tomatoes off the vine. Good eating!

8. The Ladies' No.1 Detective Agency books by Alexander McCall Smith - interesting and enjoyable read, takes me away to Botswana.
Ann Lamott's books are also a fav of mine.

9. On TV that would be the Big Bang Theory. Just love it and I always have a good laugh!

10. Travelling to some place new. Haven't done much lately. Still on the list: Greece, Alaska, back to Switzerland and of course,
going to Wisconsin to the Lake House on Lake Michigan - always good and refreshes my soul.

11. Finding something great on sale that fits well! Always a great joy! I guess I could include finding shoes that fit and don't
hurt my feet (bunions) is always a wonderful thing.

12. Walking around an arts and crafts fair and seeing the creativity that abounds. I simply love pottery, paintings, fiber art, etc.
Just looking is inspiring and is eye candy.

13. Book stores - I simply can't describe the feeling when I walk inside except it's like a kid going into a candy store. I can
spend an hour or two in there without even realizing so much time has passed!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love Big Bang...and chocolate...and the aromas of turkey. I would add pumpkin pie aroma as well. Yes, fall is here.