Tuesday, June 19, 2012

As if battling with a part-time call is not enough, I am facing another knee injury.
It all started out innocent enough. A walk with the dogs after dinner (and the rainstorms that dumped an inch of rain) for my health and theirs. We made it around
the cul-de-sac and were just across the street from our house when Renoir decides he
wants to go home, whips around and starts to run toward the house, catching me off balance and down on my left knee and hip - thankfully in the grass. I could not get up but held fast with each hand on the leads.
A woman out walking with her son, came over and when I realized I couldn't just get up, volunteered to take the dogs home. She rang the bell and LH got the dogs inside.
Our next door neighbor is a physical therapist and came over to see if I could get up and had her burly husband and the neighbor one door down - who are expecting their second child in Aug. - help me up and walk me over. They were such tall fellows that
by the time we reached the driveway halfway, I had to take my arms off from around their necks because my arms were aching too much. LH went in the basement and dragged out the walker from 7 years ago. I could walk with the walker and made it into the house and onto the couch with my neighbor (God bless her soul) lifting my left leg onto the couch. Several icings later, the left knee was really swollen. After a fitful night on the couch, getting up at six, falling asleep sitting up for another hour or so, I made coffee and made a doctor's appointment.
If I hadn't pushed to be seen, I'd have had to wait another day. They got me in before lunch and it was an hour and a half later, after an x-ray, with Dr. orders for MRI and knee immobilizer that I left. LH was simply wonderful, lifting my leg gently,
keeping it straight to get in and out of the backseat of the car. He didn't make it into the office today. Tomorrow, he will get me outfitted for the immobilizer. The MRI won't be til Monday and then on to the Orthopaedic Dr. I thought I'd never see again.
I'm thinking there is some nasty negative energy being poured out in my direction.
I've already done this - 7 years ago, right knee. I don't want to have this type of surgery again. We can scarce afford it and how would it look to interview somewhere with a leg brace?
It is a struggle to stay positive, to remember that God loves me and cares for me. I did not need this. Not now. Not ever. So God and I will wrestle through this together again. And why such a crappy redux, as if once were not enough. I cannot jeopardize the part-time call I have. We need the income. Surgery, if needed, will through a huge monkey wrench into preaching and serving. NOt to mention the physical therapy afterwards. Another 3 months.
How does one keep hope, stay calm in the middle of the boat in the midst of a life-threatening storm? Only by keeping focus on the One who can calm the storm and who is there in the boat with me. To my Lord, I'll cling. Keep me in your healing prayers.

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