Monday, March 29, 2010


'Tis the start of Holy Week and all the many services.
Yesterday, our Palm Sunday worship with the scripture, sermon, creed and songs went very well. Our choir and our Praise Dancers did a very moving piece together which was so touching.
It wasn't until the last hymn, "I Danced in the Morning", where I really broke down. God's Spirit moved within the song and my spirit and as the song unfolded I could barely sing for the lump in my throat. And it came to me, that as our Lord danced and continued the dance for us all - I am to dance in this dark night. It is what I am doing already, but perhaps, even moreso. To dance in the dark, to dance inspite of the dark, to dance despite of the dark. It is not for me at this point to see where I am going, but just to dance in the dark, because we were born to dance. Perhaps, there are others in the dark that I will bump into who need to know that they too, can dance in the dark. God wants me to keep dancing, even in the dark, shrouded by the dark, enveloped by the dark. I pray that my dance will lead me closer to God who will lead me to dancing out of this dark night into the brilliance of a new day.
I am to dance in this dark night because I know the steps, because I have danced this dance before, because I know the Easter that follows on the heels of Good Friday, and that the dance is eternally ongoing.
There are days when I don't much feel like dancing at all. When the weight of our tenuous position - (LH is still searching for a permanent, full time position, only there isn't much available at the moment)drags me down into the depths of despair.
And now God has given me a word - Dance! Keep dancing, inspire others to dance and keep dancing, rejoin the dance that is me.
It's kinda funny in a way. I have two left feet and move rather ugly. I am not a dancer. I can chair dance, but my legs and arms and hips never move in sync. (except in the water in synchronized swim - water ballet that I could do).
Hear God's sense of humor, to the one who can't dance, doesn't dance well, God says, Dance! To the one who is in the thick of a dark night, where all is obscured, God says, Dance! To the one who succombs to hopelessness, despair and discouragement - God says, Dance!
So, dance I will! It may not be graceful, it may be more like stumbling around in the dark, it may not always be joyous, but dance away, I shall. For now, dance is the word God has given me, for now. So, I will dance into this Holy Week with my Lord of the Dance.

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