Saturday, January 19, 2013


For this Friday Five, what makes you smile? Remembering that Meister Eckhart said that if you pray "thank you" that that is enough of a prayer, share with us five things, memories, or activities that bring you smiles and gratitude.

1. When the greys want attention or a rub! They can be so cute and sweet, it just
makes me smile.

2. A watercolor rainbow after a rainfall. Never ceases to cheer me.

3. Being with LH, the comfort of his presence in bed next to me warms me with a smile.

4. A good joke: One gentleman recalls that when his back seized up, he called his
doctor's office explaining that he was a minister and was in too
much pain to deliver his sermon. Could they help? The woman on
the other end asked him to hold. The next thing he heard was a loud
voice announcing, :I have a minister on the phone who can't stand
to preach!"
A clever comeback or witty insight will always bring a fun smile to my lips.

5. Hearing a favorite song on the radio or CD player will fill me with smiles.

BONUS 6. A beautiful sunset, puppies, blooming flowers, plump tomatoes on the vine,
seeing my sister, talking on the phone with my niece, etc. the list
can go on. Gratitude always follows on the heels of a smile!

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