Monday, December 29, 2008


We celebrated Christmas Eve with my one service then driving to LH's church for his late 10 pm service. We got home and broke out the bubbly and the brie and crackers. Scrumptious.
Christmas Day was a quiet, restful day. The Zopf I made was great for breakfast. We opened gifts from family and friends. Called my sister. Called his Dad and sisters. Took a nap. Grazed on some goodies. Made Turkey and mushroom pastetli for dinner with green peas.
Friday was grocery shopping morning and a trip to the shopping area to pick up some deals on wrapping paper, etc. I even went to Macy's and found a cashmire sweater on sale.
Found a dog toy for the new grey we'll be picking up tomorrow.
Saturday we drove to resort town on the Lake for Christmas with FIL and SILS. Had an enjoyable visit and dinner at Damon's. Great ribs in the middle of winter.
Sunday we slept in!! I cut down the last of the Siberian Iris leaves and the Russian Sage. It got cold and snowy before I could cut them down. I stripped the thyme, oregano and marjoram and put the leaves in their containers. Laundry was completed, a button resewn on my winter jacket, a sock darned and the hem let down on a pair of pants.
Today we drove up to the City on the North Coast and visited Crate and Barrel where I found a couple things on sale for 2009 Christmas gifts!!! I start early and am done by Oct. Had lunch at an Irish pub and made a stop at Trader Joe's for tasty treats. I finally bought the chocolate granache cake for my upcoming 1/2 century mark birthday in Feb. Got the van washed and ready for tomorrow's road trip to Ft.Wayne, IN to pick up our new Greyhound. We are so excited. We pray that Jett will welcome a new bud and that his spirit will pick up. He gets lonesome all by himself.
Treats are packed, the water bottles - for us and the dogs are in the fridge, chillin'. We are ready to go and anxious to meet this new fellow who will share our couch, hearth and hearts.
Pray that we will have a safe journey and return and that Jett will take to a new buddy and friend.

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