Monday, April 30, 2007


Yesterday, our GP came and preached which was wonderful; she preached very well and I was gifted with a Sunday of not having to preach!!
We had a great coffee hour and all went well.
This evening we are trying a Coffee & Conversation hour or so and have invited a special guest - a Presbyterian pastor from the mid-east to speak to us. We will be serving coffee with flavored creamers, decaf coffee, herbal and green teas, and cookies and mini muffins. We are hoping that folks interested in that country and this pastor's Christian faith journey and witness in mostly Muslim country will draw some people in from the community. I hope that as he journeys, you will have an opportunity to meet him, hear him, and host him.
I'll be taking this pastor to dinner when I pick him and take him back to his residence.
Perhaps, if all goes well, we will host quarterly Coffee & Conversations and bring in other guest speakers. (Hoping, of course, that they will be free of charge!!!)
How good it is to welcome others into our midst and to learn and grow from them. They are like fresh breezes that blow through our walls and lives.

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