Monday, March 19, 2007


Little did I know last Tuesday what would befall my well-planned schedule with the large funeral looming over me. Oh, I got the scalloped potatoes in the oven all right, and LH had steaks to be grilled in hand as he walked out the sliding glass doors onto the patio when he called for Jett to come out (who by the way, was perfectly content lying on the dog bed). Jett bounded out the door, got spooked by something and crash landed on the kitchen floor with a gash in his leg. It, thankfully, wasn't bleeding too badly. Chris brought the steaks back in, I held Jett while he cleaned and dressed the wound. Then he insisted we go to the Emergency Vet - 20 minute drive, a wait, put the dog to sleep, stitch, and then recovery time before the 20 minute drive home. The way I figured it we would be home sometime between 9:30 pm and 10 pm. I still had to finesses the funeral sermon, and pencil the name in the prayer of commendation and for the committal. Maybe, by 11 pm I would be done. I was furious and used some rather colorful language. The last time, Ben cut his paw, I had to take him to the E-Vet by myself while he bled through the gauze and I broke very speed limit I encountered. (made it to the E-Vet in just under 15 minutes!) LH insisted WE both go.
I pulled the potatoes out which were by now done. Fuming away, upset at the precious time I would lose when I was already tired and faced such a long day ahead of me.
We piled Jett and ourselves into the van and off we went. I take the County line road to get to the State Route to the other State Route as my normal way to go to where the shopping district is, as well as the E-Vet. LH will use a different North-South road. Well, as I reached the corner of County line and State Route, where our regular Vet's office is located, lo and behold, there were cars in the parking lot. Bingo! A day they work later. I pull into the lot, hop out and check to see if they can look over Jett. Yup, bring him in!
The vet looks over the injured leg, puts in 5 staples, bandages it and gives us antibiotic. We are good to go and less than 1/2 hour including the 7 minute drive home!
There were not enough ways to thank God for this grace - that our Vet was still open at 6:25 pm, that they could bandage him, that I would be home with still plenty of time to work on the funeral service/sermon. I stood outside that cinder block building falling over myself in gratitude of the grace showered upon me.
And the next day, the Lenten breakfast with a talk I gave, the funeral service with one small glitch, the luncheon for 100, the ride through Amish country to the cemetary, the ride back to church with a stop at the Bulk Food Store to get nutmeg, and the last sermon of the day at the Old Folks Home was rich in grace.
Granted I was dog-tired when I got home at 9 pm, but it was a good tired.And all was touched by the grace and mercy of God.
Jett is doing fine and trying to be good and not lick his ouch. He just needs a reminder now and again!

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