Monday, August 28, 2006

Birthday Bash Progress

We are a small family and so big splashy gatherings are not our forte.
At present, I have pretty much completed the scrapbook/photos with LH brother's comments and a few of mine sprinkled in. The lame b-day ditty is in progress and nearing completion.(Hurray!!!) The cake and balloons will be ordered Friday. Some cleaning and vacuuming on Thurs. after dinner when LH is at a meeting. Can't make it too sparkling, he'll get suspicious. LH keeps pestering me about the sun, moon and stars cheese packs in the fridge. I keep responding that they're for the holiday, for us.
Still wondering how to defrost the extra pound of Italian sausage for Sat. evening dinner without him seeing it in the fridge. (Maybe the bottom crisper drawer). Restaurant reservations have been made for Sunday dinner. My sister and bro-in-law will be arriving in time for Sat. dinner.
Party favors made - mini clear plastic beer mugs filled with yellow M & M's and cotton ball top. (LH's favorite beverage).
Still to do: 1. Wrap his presents.
2. Finish lame ditty.
3. Grocery shop for company (breakfasts, lunches)
4. Find bobble Hula Girl I bought, which I stuck away
right before vacation, thinking he'll never look there.
I've been through every bag and box in the basement
and haven't been able to find it in two weeks. I should
never hide things. I do it so good, I can't even find it
5. Make sure I have all the decorations in one place.
6. Clean off kitchen table. Last thing to do on Sat.
He'll know something's afoot when the kitchen table
no longer has mail, newspapers, Presbyterians Today,
and The Outlook, stacked on it.
I'm trying my best to be calm and nonchalant about this weekend.
Hope I succeed in surprising him and LH not getting bent out of shape about being surprised. It's all in good taste and fun. Hope LH enjoys "Cruisin' into the 50's"!! Just too bad I couldn't locate a Hot Wheels car in a 1956 model. Now, if I could just finish that "The 50th Birthday Inquisition" (otherwise known as lame b-day ditty) I would feel so much better.

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