Monday, May 05, 2008

I confirmed three young people yesterday and what a joy it was! The one girl had just been baptized a little over a month ago. They are great kids and grew up for most of their lives here at Country Church. I pray that their faith will grow stronger and be an essential part of their lives from this point on and throughout their adulthood.
This is the first time where I started out with 5 confirmands and only three followed through. Usually, it's been the entire class. One got caught up in sports and missed far too many classes. She has a good faith understanding and hopefully, later will be confirmed. The other a boy who chose not to be confirmed. He is a moody, introverted kid and try as I could, simply could not draw out. His mother is hurt that her son didn't want to go through with confirmation. He is a smart kid, has shoulder responsibility for younger siblings, and volunteers to help clean up and serve the monthly community dinners. Mom and grandparents, even Aunt, have been wonderful examples of faith and involved church members. I have spoken to the Mom and suggested that she not push him to do what he is not ready to do. I assured her that the family has been a wonderful example of faith to their child and we pray that God and God's Spirit will continue to work in him until he reaches the place where he can embrace the love of Christ and make public his profession - whether that is in a year or two or when he is an adult.
I have enjoyed getting to know these young people better and to explore with them their faith and beliefs. They are a blessing and have been a blessing to me!
All that's left is to schedule the pizza party and movie "Brother Sun, Sister Moon" for next month as a closing hurrah with thoughts on discipleship.
There are some things about being a pastor that make up for all the crud we often have to deal with. Confirming young people is a joy that makes it all worthwhile!

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