Monday, June 25, 2007


I was tagged by The Psalmist for this meme and so I oblige

1. I dig Jesus' sense of humor.
It delights me.

2. I dig the way he savoured people and their situations with
love, compassion, and the call to discipleship.
It comforts, assures and challenges me.

3. I dig that Jesus glorified God and enjoyed God forever.
It keeps me humble and reminds me that it's about God
and not me.

4. I dig that Jesus loved me enough to suffer, die and live again
for us all. It overwhelms me.

5. I dig that Jesus sees through the crap and loves me anyway. It gives
me endless hope.

Because there is soooo much to dig about Jesus, I tag:
Holy Grounds, Pink Shoes, Blanket In the Grove, LutheranChik's, and NuevaCantora

Rules for this meme:
a)Those tagged will share "Five Things They Dig About Jesus".
b)Those tagged will tag 5 people.
c) Those tagged will leave a link to their meme in the comments section of the
blog of the person who tagged them (meaning this post) so that everyone can
keep track of what's being posted.

*Dispensation has been granted to St. Inuksuk from linking, since she still hasn't figured it out yet and is a slow learner. We retain hope that she will come around eventually. (The Powers That Be)

1 comment:

Backwoods Rev said...

Thanks for the nudge!
I played at Holy Grounds

And I also dig Jesus' sense of humor- I think he'd love the Dailey show these days...