Friday Five - Ice Cream
1. Warm weather or year round food?
Year round although I indulge more in the summer.
2. Favorite flavor?
Chocolate Moose Tracks
3. Cake, sugar or waffle cone?
Cake's too plain, kinda like cardboard, waffles are way huge, so for me
it's the sugar cone. Although, I most often eat ice cream just in a dish.
4. Childhood ice cream memory?
Mmmm...hearing the ice cream truck chimes and asking for 50 cents or so, for a soft serve
chocolate or one of the Good Humor bars. Ever so refreshing and tasty on a hot summer
day playing and riding bikes.
5. Banana Splits?
Never did understand why you'd ruin a banana or your ice cream. I never liked
strawberry ice cream (or even strawberries) or whipped cream. Never had one and
don't ever plan to have one. Some things in life you can live without. I choose
without banana splits.
As an inukshuk points to good hunting/fishing grounds, safe passageways, and are message centers, so do I seek the signs of God's presence and grace along my way in this life. I try to point the way to God's presence and grace as well.
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Well, it's off to the ballgame for me. It's a gorgeous day and in anticipation of the long hours next week, I'll leave early.
Now comes the task of being pastor's wife as the church LH serves has their ballpark night. Hopefully, the team will play well. And hopefully, I won't embarrass LH in front of his parishioners. I will be on my very best behavior. Even for a fun event, there is always the underlying pressure of being "on" as either pastor or pastor's wife. Double-whammy!!!!
If I could, I'd almost just as soon stay home with Benny and the Jett, (our delightful greys) who really don't care what I'm wearing, if I am perfectly polite, never saying the slightest out-of-place thing. They could care less how my hair looks, or if I have a piece of theological wisdom to share.
Fortunately, I don't have to "be" pastor's wife, too often, so I go in the grace of God into this lovely afternoon, trusting God not to make a fool of myself this evening. Something, I do all too well.
There are times when being pastor's wife is more difficult than being pastor. Perhaps, because I'm not always aware of what I may be walking into since I'm not as much a part of the life at LH's church. Will keep that in mind when LH is pastor's husband at our church functions.
We try to take part when we can in each other's fellowship activities. Sometimes, that makes for a very full schedule. But for now, I will savor the sunset over the ballpark.
Well, it's off to the ballgame for me. It's a gorgeous day and in anticipation of the long hours next week, I'll leave early.
Now comes the task of being pastor's wife as the church LH serves has their ballpark night. Hopefully, the team will play well. And hopefully, I won't embarrass LH in front of his parishioners. I will be on my very best behavior. Even for a fun event, there is always the underlying pressure of being "on" as either pastor or pastor's wife. Double-whammy!!!!
If I could, I'd almost just as soon stay home with Benny and the Jett, (our delightful greys) who really don't care what I'm wearing, if I am perfectly polite, never saying the slightest out-of-place thing. They could care less how my hair looks, or if I have a piece of theological wisdom to share.
Fortunately, I don't have to "be" pastor's wife, too often, so I go in the grace of God into this lovely afternoon, trusting God not to make a fool of myself this evening. Something, I do all too well.
There are times when being pastor's wife is more difficult than being pastor. Perhaps, because I'm not always aware of what I may be walking into since I'm not as much a part of the life at LH's church. Will keep that in mind when LH is pastor's husband at our church functions.
We try to take part when we can in each other's fellowship activities. Sometimes, that makes for a very full schedule. But for now, I will savor the sunset over the ballpark.
Monday, June 19, 2006
RevGalBlogPals - Friday Five
Although still working on the linking to RGBP
here is my Fri. Five: On Sleep
1. Room should be coolish, not cold, quiet and dark, with my pillow,
nightgown and snuggled under the duvet (sleep with it year round)
with my husband next to me.
2. Ideally - 7-8 hrs sleep is good. Usually it's 6 1/2 hrs - never
enough. I drag the day after especially following a 12 hour day.
3. Used to be a nightowl, then came middle-age. Not really a morning
person. Perhaps, a mid-day person?
4. What to do when I can't sleep? Read, putter at my desk in my study.
5. To Snooze or Not to Snooze: Nothing like a Sunday afternoon snooze
after a morning of leading worship, preaching, and teaching
Sunday School! I have been found snoozing on the couch
some evenings, along with dozing greys.
Although still working on the linking to RGBP
here is my Fri. Five: On Sleep
1. Room should be coolish, not cold, quiet and dark, with my pillow,
nightgown and snuggled under the duvet (sleep with it year round)
with my husband next to me.
2. Ideally - 7-8 hrs sleep is good. Usually it's 6 1/2 hrs - never
enough. I drag the day after especially following a 12 hour day.
3. Used to be a nightowl, then came middle-age. Not really a morning
person. Perhaps, a mid-day person?
4. What to do when I can't sleep? Read, putter at my desk in my study.
5. To Snooze or Not to Snooze: Nothing like a Sunday afternoon snooze
after a morning of leading worship, preaching, and teaching
Sunday School! I have been found snoozing on the couch
some evenings, along with dozing greys.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
A Prayer for GA
O Lord our God,
As our church gathers from places near and far, bring them together in the name of Christ our Lord. Deliver us from our arrogance and pettiness, and put your right Spirit within us all. May not our will but yours be done.
Touch all gathered by your holy presence that they may honor you in the grace and gift of this time and work of the church.
May commissioners find Sabbath time as they do the worshipful work of GA.
Bless them richly, O God, and grant them vision, wisdom, a spirit of cooperation, and hearts aflame in Christ's love that will build-up and heal rather than tear-down and divide. Unite us in Jesus Christ our Lord.
Wrap our GA in your holy love as we lift our church up to you, dear God. Your peace be ever with us and may what is done find favor with and be pleasing to you. Amen.
O Lord our God,
As our church gathers from places near and far, bring them together in the name of Christ our Lord. Deliver us from our arrogance and pettiness, and put your right Spirit within us all. May not our will but yours be done.
Touch all gathered by your holy presence that they may honor you in the grace and gift of this time and work of the church.
May commissioners find Sabbath time as they do the worshipful work of GA.
Bless them richly, O God, and grant them vision, wisdom, a spirit of cooperation, and hearts aflame in Christ's love that will build-up and heal rather than tear-down and divide. Unite us in Jesus Christ our Lord.
Wrap our GA in your holy love as we lift our church up to you, dear God. Your peace be ever with us and may what is done find favor with and be pleasing to you. Amen.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
A Luddite Among Us
Here's a real live neophyte trying to navigate this whole blog thing. When I went to school although there were computers in data processing, I never had exposure to one. The seminary library stilled used card catalogues!!!!!! Imagine that! With my trusty electric typewriter and lots of correction paper which led to white-out liquid paper all my papers and sermons were written. Then came the word processor which handled correction much more fluidly and cleanly.
Then finally, the computer entered my world; bane and blessing. One short course on how to use the computer and the rest has been learn as you go. When I finally was somewhat conversant with Word and happily typing my sermons with spell check (for what its worth), a delete button, save function and the cut and paste feature, I was in nearly 7th Heaven. Then LH comes along and asks me to teach him how to use Word. It was like the blind leading the blind. Somehow, we've managed to get our sermons written, printed off and our newsletter articles submitted in these ensuing years.
Now, I am venturing out into the waters of the bloggosphere with nary an idea of how to even insert an HTML code. ( What is an HTML anyway?) I've functioned years without having to know.
Am I doomed to flail about in the seas of blogging and technology?
At least, one thing I do know, I don't ever want to go back to writing my sermons out in long-hand.
We shall see where the Spirit leads, how God guides, what kingdom seeds will grow, and if I ever manage to master the basic functioning of this blog thing
Here's a real live neophyte trying to navigate this whole blog thing. When I went to school although there were computers in data processing, I never had exposure to one. The seminary library stilled used card catalogues!!!!!! Imagine that! With my trusty electric typewriter and lots of correction paper which led to white-out liquid paper all my papers and sermons were written. Then came the word processor which handled correction much more fluidly and cleanly.
Then finally, the computer entered my world; bane and blessing. One short course on how to use the computer and the rest has been learn as you go. When I finally was somewhat conversant with Word and happily typing my sermons with spell check (for what its worth), a delete button, save function and the cut and paste feature, I was in nearly 7th Heaven. Then LH comes along and asks me to teach him how to use Word. It was like the blind leading the blind. Somehow, we've managed to get our sermons written, printed off and our newsletter articles submitted in these ensuing years.
Now, I am venturing out into the waters of the bloggosphere with nary an idea of how to even insert an HTML code. ( What is an HTML anyway?) I've functioned years without having to know.
Am I doomed to flail about in the seas of blogging and technology?
At least, one thing I do know, I don't ever want to go back to writing my sermons out in long-hand.
We shall see where the Spirit leads, how God guides, what kingdom seeds will grow, and if I ever manage to master the basic functioning of this blog thing
Monday, June 12, 2006
Monday Musings:
Been reading the RevGalPals for quite some time, I decided to join in, even though I am not a computer person. Not sure how often I will have time to post.
While exiting the Small Village Pres church yesterday noonish, I got caught at one of two traffic lights in town, the one on the corner of SVPC.
Waiting patiently for the light to change, an SUV passed in front of me, followed by two buggys and horses. For a suburbanite (formerly of Chicago and Cleveland), it was quite a picture. What a juxtapostion of an SUV and two buggys.
Slowly gearing up for VBS in just two weeks. This year H's and mine run concurrently so I won't be able to be at his or he at mine. I will miss H's VBS as it was a time to be a pastor's wife, be with H's people and to be Lutheran for a bit. I will miss seeing the kids I've spent three years with in VBS and their moms and grandmas. It is always a hectic time with two VBS's to help with and to be present. Yet, it has always been a very satisfying and encouraging time. The year our VBS's were back to back was rather rough. By the end of mine at week two, I was more than ready for a spa day!
I enjoy VBS even though it makes for a very long day, even though this is the third year I am rewriting all the opening and closings which the pastor of the Church Diagonally Opposite ours (who are hosting it this year) again has left for me to do, even though I'm not a fan of Kool-Aid, even though I struggle along with some of the kids when making the crafts.
I enjoy being with the children, helping them explore the meaning of the Bible stories, singing (even though I can't really sing), and just being a bit silly (openings and closings). I enjoy their energy, their questions, the little ones who put their hand in mine as we walk to the next room and next activity. No words can describe when a child comes to trust you more and gets to know you better by the end of the week. That's what VBS is about - building relationships with the kids, with one another, with God.
I think pastors need some play time as well as the children or perhaps, a way and time to be playful at "work". VBS provides a great opportunity and outlet for that.
May everyone doing VBS find God's grace at present and at play with you.
Been reading the RevGalPals for quite some time, I decided to join in, even though I am not a computer person. Not sure how often I will have time to post.
While exiting the Small Village Pres church yesterday noonish, I got caught at one of two traffic lights in town, the one on the corner of SVPC.
Waiting patiently for the light to change, an SUV passed in front of me, followed by two buggys and horses. For a suburbanite (formerly of Chicago and Cleveland), it was quite a picture. What a juxtapostion of an SUV and two buggys.
Slowly gearing up for VBS in just two weeks. This year H's and mine run concurrently so I won't be able to be at his or he at mine. I will miss H's VBS as it was a time to be a pastor's wife, be with H's people and to be Lutheran for a bit. I will miss seeing the kids I've spent three years with in VBS and their moms and grandmas. It is always a hectic time with two VBS's to help with and to be present. Yet, it has always been a very satisfying and encouraging time. The year our VBS's were back to back was rather rough. By the end of mine at week two, I was more than ready for a spa day!
I enjoy VBS even though it makes for a very long day, even though this is the third year I am rewriting all the opening and closings which the pastor of the Church Diagonally Opposite ours (who are hosting it this year) again has left for me to do, even though I'm not a fan of Kool-Aid, even though I struggle along with some of the kids when making the crafts.
I enjoy being with the children, helping them explore the meaning of the Bible stories, singing (even though I can't really sing), and just being a bit silly (openings and closings). I enjoy their energy, their questions, the little ones who put their hand in mine as we walk to the next room and next activity. No words can describe when a child comes to trust you more and gets to know you better by the end of the week. That's what VBS is about - building relationships with the kids, with one another, with God.
I think pastors need some play time as well as the children or perhaps, a way and time to be playful at "work". VBS provides a great opportunity and outlet for that.
May everyone doing VBS find God's grace at present and at play with you.
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