Thursday, January 14, 2010


Certainly our prayers and grieving, anguished spirits are with the suffering in Haiti.
The scenes are horrific and devasting and the countless lives lost.
Many donation sites are cropping up.
As for me, I will stick with PDA (Presbyterian Disaster Assistance) - which never gets mentioned on news sites and Lutheran World Relief. Every penny of every dollar goes directly for aid for those impacted by the disaster.
People beware. Choose to give where your dollar will be best spent and not pocketed by those scheming to make a profit and quick buck off such a disater. Choose wisely and well. Our mainline denominations are honest and trustworthy with these funds and use every penny for aid.
Americans are such generous people, so willing to offer help and be of service, just choose wisely and well where to donate your money. At such times as this, I am thankful to be an American, to stand with others, to help, to pray, to grieve, to comfort, to offer some measure of hope and to jump in to offer aid.
God be with and hold in God's gracious, sorrowing love the victims, the nation, the relief and aid workers and the grieving families of all in Haiti.

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