Tuesday, February 03, 2009

POST 285!

With a wing and a prayer, I have lined up 4 Lenten Breakfast speakers beginning Ash Wednesday. Thank you, God! The Methodists grabbed the School Superintendent before I got a hold of him and another retired minister is out of town as is another layperson. I feel relieved!!
On my commute home, I brought home some of this country county's finest aromas: cow manure. Some farmer had a leak in his tanker or just dumped some on the state route and it went up under the carriage and/or in the wheels. Ohhh,how the garage smelled and even this morning. I'm hoping the cold air outside will freshen up the van today!!!
The things we bring home with us at the end of the day - some just stink, some are very sad, some are uplifting and encouraging, some are exciting, some are issues that linger with us far longer than we would want or because they cannot go away in just an hour's time. I have often made my commute to and fro the church a time of prayer lifting up people and situations, and the church into God's care and keeping. So much is so beyond my control, my gifts, my wisdom, my inept attempts.
God's shoulders are so much bigger than mine and God's hands are far more capable than my puny hands. But, still we let them linger on our hearts and in our spirits, and some linger longer than others. Yet, that lingering is a continual reminder to pray through it and to keep offering it up to God.

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