Saturday, February 21, 2015


    It has been extremely cold here in the last couple of weeks. Ash Wednesday was truly cold but folks still came for worship although fewer in number. It was a good service with ashes and holy communion.
    Earlier that day, I had a call from a woman who has not been in church for over 2 1/2 years. She
called once asking for the past pastor who had left to take another call. In the busyness of being a
new interim, with so much going on, I had no more contact with her. She called Wednesday asking
if we were having an Ash Wed. service and if so, what time. Our service was at 7 pm. She mentioned that she had to attend an initial meeting with her son ( I believe it is a drug rehab group) and she
might be a bit late, but she really, really felt the need to be back in church. I assured her that she
would be welcome whenever she arrived and if she arrived after the imposition of ashes, I would
see her following worship and impose ashes on her. She seemed good with that.
   In the end, she didn't arrive until the very end of the service. So, we went upstairs, talked a bit,
she took a bulletin from the service, we went up to the altar rail, came before God, and I did the
imposition of ashes, and assurance of pardon.
    I pray and hope that she will come back, especially on a Sunday morning. God's Spirit seems
to be at work in heart and soul and she is seeking what she knows is missing. I pray for her.
   By the time I collected my things in the office, put on my boots, and used the rest room(always wise before an hour commute), it was nearly 9:00 pm and I knew I would be home past 10 pm.
I ran into snow around Akron and then it really was snowing by the time I reached my exit and even the main road was snow covered. I guess I got home around 10:20 pm, Eirene, my van, and
I, all in one piece. It was close to 11 pm when I got my slice of birthday cheesecake with a candle
in it, after 2 calls from family. The temps had dropped down and I had hoped that the other
church would be closed on Thursday. If the schools are closed, the church is closed.
   When I checked the school closings at 6 pm, it was not listed. I was so tired when I got home.
And I had dishes to do (coffee pot and my salad container), knew I would need to make my
lunch yet for Thursday, and then time for bed. Well, my husband checked the school closings
and thank you, God, that town's school was closed!!! I could sleep in a bit for the first time
in over a week! My birthday wish had been granted - to have a "snow day". I was ever so
thankful. Especially after a very long Saturday with a memorial service, and a very cold Sunday morning.
   It was a good Thursday off. I actually had time to pull stuff together for my taxes which I need for this coming Friday. I was able to wash our sheets! Read! And simply relax!!! What a gift and a
    It was so terribly, horribly cold that I couldn't go grocery shopping til Friday afternoon! Even then it was like 5 degrees.
   Now, in the midst of mid-week Lenten services every Wed. evening, I have yet another funeral
service, probably on Monday or maybe Tues. I'm still waiting to hear. If it's Monday, the high is projected to be 9 degrees. That'll be brutal in the cemetery.
   Well, I'm off to prepare for Sunday - go over my Sunday School lesson, sermon and liturgy.
   I already started the funeral sermon, just need to add all the personal information.
   Confirmation class at 5;30 pm tomorrow and a very long Sunday ahead.
   'Tis the season - the Lenten Marathon.
    I hope not to get lost in the busyness of this season and have time to reflect some, but it is already
starting at full speed.
   In just a week it will be March and maybe this Siberian Arctic cold will be finally over. One
can hope.

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