Monday, April 14, 2014


 Here we are at the start of Holy Week which began yesterday with the Blessing of the Palms while gathered outside on a sunny 70 degree morning. It was beautiful. We processed inside to the singing of "All Glory, Laud and Honor" and the worship was meaningful. Some folks who haven't been in church for a bit found their way back and it was good to have a few more folks in church. My sermon, which was shorter than usual, fit in and the whole service flowed without going over time!
So, perhaps, it wasn't all too short.
   I survived my mid-week Lenten service last week preaching on the topic we all had to preach on:
Why We Stand at the Foot of the Cross. I ended up preaching on Luke 4:16-21, focusing on Jesus' mission and the grace of which we are all in need. It preached. The service was Marty Haugen's Holden Evening Prayer which is really moving with much singing. My only problem was that I nearly lost my voice preaching with this upper respiratory ailment. It is slowly getting better.
     LH is still coughing too and has a low bass voice!!! It must be Lent - we both got sick!!!!
   This is that hard week of keeping focus and not merely skipping over to Easter, but making that long hard walk through Jerusalem, to the Upper Room, to the cross at Calvary and to the stone cold dark tomb. One day at a time, one step at a time and I will get there and I pray that I will be in good company of the faithful who take this journey with me each year. Always humbled and overwhelmed at Christ's great sacrifice of love for me, for us all. Then there is the grief and anguish of Good Friday that washes over me every year. And how unsettled I always feel on Holy Saturday, uncomfortable and disturbed and I busy myself with coloring eggs and going over everything for Easter Sunday worship. It is just the way it needs to be.
   May your  Holy Week be graced and blessed and may it bring your heart and spirit to its knees, overwhelmed and humbled by such an enormity of love and grace and sacrifice. May the slow, hard walk through this week bring you to the glorious joy of the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ and shine so wonderfully bright upon and in you and bring you back to life!

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