Tuesday, October 05, 2021


 So, apparently, one non-denominational storefront church merged with a local baptist church and moved out of their store-front. Then another non-denominational church bought the building and renovated the inside to fit their needs - sky painted floor and all black walls in their worship area for their fog machines and screens. Their pastor noted that he became a pastor because he didn't know what else to do. Now there's a real call to ministry! It is a church for people who aren't traditional church people. I get that.

   I just notice that our town's first Friday event - every first Friday of the month businesses stay open later and the event is often themed - to bring people downtown. We at L church have been participating for the last 3 three years. Although last year, there weren't as many due to the lockdown and COVID. The theme for Oct. was Fall Fest. This church offered a scavenger hunt with a chance to win a Disney vacation! This is the same church that rented a helicopter Palm Sunday weekend to drop 30,000 Easter eggs on the football field giving away a chance to win - an xbox, play station, big screen TV.

   Now, I don't know what gospel they believe and read, but it apparently is a different one. Nowhere in my NRSV Bible does Jesus say, "Come to me all you who are weary and heavily burdened and I will give you a Disney vacation." or "Come, follow me and I will reward you with an xbox and big screen TV."

   What am I missing? Can that be any more crass consumerism in the Christian faith? Do we come to God, have a relationship with Christ our Lord, because of what we can get? Or are we drawn to a love so profound and great that it is so compellingly irrestible that we can't turn away form it? Faith cannot be bought or earned - it is given to us by the very grace of Christ and the work of God's own Spirit. I find their crass consumerism of the gospel disconcerting, misleading and appalling. I can't imagine what Jesus would think. It is not the gospel I know and love.

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