Tuesday, September 01, 2020

On Another Note Altogether

 is anyone else struggling with how to do Christmas Eve services this year with COVID19?

   Normally, where I serve we do a lessons & carols service with either a short sermon or reflections with each lesson. I have found that most people simply want to hear the message of Christmas through Scripture and beloved carols. 

    With the pandemic, we cannot host 187 at a worship service and there can be no singing - which really impacts the close of worship with candlelighting and singing, Silent Night. 

    I'm hoping to hearing ideas on how to make Christmas still like Christmas given the constraints we live under at this time. so comment or direct me to creative ideas. They would be gratefully welcomed. I am at such a loss.


 who wonders what is happening in our world?

    Such tragic deaths that were preventable, if only the person complied. Why, not just comply and if there is a mistake of identity, or wrongful arrest, which can then can be cleared by the courts, the death, for the most part would be prevented?

    None of these individuals had clean records, which doesn't mean a person can't change and are trying to live a clean life, and yet, they are canonized. Yes, their death is tragic, yes, their death was preventable, yes there are bad cops out there, but none were as innocent as they are made out to be. 

    What does it take for people to be honest and to take responsibility for themselves? To be able to say, yes, I screwed up, yes, I have a rap sheet, yes, I am not a saint, but am willing to take responsibility for my actions and to comply. 

    Leave the drugs alone, finish high school, go to trade school or college, work hard, watch who you hang out with and for the most part, you won't find yourself in trouble with the law or otherwise. 

    I found it interesting that the protest victims in Kenosha who were shot by a teenager, were not mentioned much in the media. I think it's perhaps because they were thugs with rap sheets and a child sex offender. Yet, these are ones protest groups hire and who loot and riot. Really?

   I cannot back such groups. I can back grieving families who've lost children through senseless shootings. (But were there drugs involved or abusive relationships involved?). I can back true injustice when people of color are not hired when they are qualified for a position or are paid less than their white counterparts or male counterparts. I can back programs and organizations that work with families of color to get them the help they need for housing, medical, food, education, & employment, to get them from being homeless and back on their feet. 

   I cheer for every child who gets to college or trade school despite having been homeless or mired in poverty. I know they have had to work so much harder and have truly struggled to reach their goals and desire for a better, more stable life. I applaud their parent(s), their teachers, their school counselors who have helped them along the way. I believe a faith life changes us, shapes us and transforms us.

   I think, until people learn to take responsibility for their actions and lives, we will be living with unrest, a truly stretched truth about individuals, and sadly, tragically lost lives. We are all flawed, we all do stupid things that shouldn't result in death, but we need to own up to it, and confess that we are indeed flawed and do foolish things. That's basic to our Christian faith and belief. But, with all the noise that is out there, I think I'm the only one, who feels this way, and understands this.