Monday, March 25, 2019

That Whole Mueller Thing

My response to this whole Mueller Report and Investigation is what a waste!
What a waste of time, that can never recovered. What a waste of taxpayer money!
   Now, I am not a Trump fan in the least. I like that he isn't a career politician, but that's about all.
   I am upset that my country has been trying to get Trump out of office since his election. He won the election, get over it, move on and do some good for the people of America and our country.
   To spend this amount of time and enormous amount of money to try to take down a duly elected President over nothing is completely shameful.
   That is not how I want my tax dollars spent. I pay my fair share in taxes and I want to see it being used for the good of the people and the country - helping the poor, those with disabilities, for the military (I know, but it's a have to), education (but not providing free college tuition - that's a whole other issue), infrastructure, providing opportunity for people to work. That's how I want my tax dollars spent. Not lining the pockets of lawyers and those bent on getting the President out of office. I don't care if the President is Republican or Democrat - if they won the election - then get to work on making our country better. If all the Democrats (in this instance) who called for this investigation and supported it were billed instead of us, this never would have gone so far.
   So, I am advocating that the nation's taxpayers boycott paying their taxes until those who called for this investigation pay the bill that the rest of us don't want to pay for because we most likely wouldn't have called for this investigation in the first place - made up by disgruntled elected lawmakers and supported by the media.
    I believe that if all the taxpayers boycotted paying their taxes, Washington would finally take notice, because there would be no money to pay their salaries or pensions - hit them where it hurts and they will wake up and smell the coffee. You can't just go around blowing hard working American's money and thinking that is ethical, good and right. It is not their money, folks, it's ours and we give it trusting that our elected government officials will use to fund Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, SNAP, and a whole host of programs for the good of our country and its people. It seems to me, that when you are entrusted with someone's else's money you will practice greater stewardship than with your own. Our elected leaders have lost sight and seek only to line their own pockets and think they can spend our money any way they want.
    I also believe that if we engage in civil disobedience together and boycott paying our taxes together, there aren't enough jail cells to hold us all, the DOJ couldn't handle all the cases, and the paperwork alone would drown the IRS. Perhaps, that is a bit revolutionary, but I'm thinking it could work. We all boycott paying taxes and let Washington see how much it can do without us. Maybe, it will teach them how to spend more wisely.
    I can only hope! Probably not feasible, but the idea is a bit prophetic. One can pray that a difference could be made to stop such utter disregard for our money; yours and mine. We wouldn't just blow it. Why should they?
    Think of all that could have been done with those taxpayer dollars that were blown! It just anguishes my heart and spirit to see how we so foolishly blow millions of dollars down the drain and for no good reason. It is pathetic and sad.
    So, maybe some of those activists out there can get started on it and we can make a change for good.
    Since I already paid my taxes this year and it takes time to organize this - I'm shooting for next year!!!!!

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