Monday, September 29, 2008


Had Presbytery meeting on Saturday. Drove 2 hours to get to the meeting. Stayed four hours. Drove 2 hours home in time to check mail before dinner. Would've been a nicer drive in a couple weeks when the trees would be peaking with their fall color. I stopped at a pottery place whose sign I've seen everytime I've been in that region in the last 23 years. I found an urn and a candleholder for pretty cheap and in a matter of no more than 15 minutes. It was a short stop and not necessarily the type of pottery I really like.
It was interesting with the morning spent with a speaker regarding church planning and development. Worship was traditional with communion. Comissioned 2 lay preachers.
Missed some of the afternoon stuff. Oh well. I made a few copies of Presbytery Bingo, but didn't have time play and the meeting wasn't boring this time around. Will save it for next time!!!
Of course, when I returned home, the neighborhood block party had begun. There were at least three others of us who did not attend. I suppose it is just as well, as I was pretty tired from all driving that day and still had to go over my sermon and service and the Adult Sunday School lesson. Not attending the block party is still a sore spot between LH and I, we differ on the whole thing. But, it's over and we are busy.
I really felt it yesterday afternoon when I got home, ate lunch and could barely keep my eyes open and promptly feel asleep on the couch for an hour and a half!! Felt much better afterward.
Filled the Finch feeder with thistle seed, fed the Boys, rubbed Jett for a good long time. Rubbed Ben for awhile.
Made Beet Salad to go with some Brats. Did the dishes. Went over the Bible Study lesson and readings for Monday morning. Caught the season opener of "Desperate Housewives." Talked with my sister.
Hoping for a quieter weekend this week!

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